In this section you can discover outside material such as videos of Kaxinawa rituals, articles about the Almshouse, and a link to a downloadable Kaxinawa learning video game!
About the Museum

Temple Anthropology Museum and Laboratory has been receiving and curating collections for over 50 years. Previously located in College Hall, collections began arriving in 1964 and currently holds artifacts from sites all over the world, including those within the Mid-Atlantic region in addition to lithic and ceramic collections from all over America. These include collections from Panama and from our own Philadelphia.​
We are located in Gladfelter Hall, on the lower level (main) floor. Housing over 200 collections, we have an undeniable global presence. Our mission is to educate students on various cultures and history, and provide an in-depth and entertaining learning experience to any and all who come visit us.

Dr. Christopher Upton
Research Assistants, Fall 2024
Brian Carroll
Bryanna Caraballo
Elora Kuhn
Nate Fulmer