In this section you can discover outside material such as videos of Kaxinawa rituals, articles about the Almshouse, and a link to a downloadable Kaxinawa learning video game!
Objects from the Friedlaender Collection
The objects from the Friedlaender Collection originate from the Solomon Islands, and represent the versatility instruments can exhibit.
Pan Pipes
The pipes shown here would have all been part of a larger pipe ensemble, who would perform songs that represented sagas and stories. The pipes could and would also be used in solo performances, but more often than not were part of a larger orchestral group. These ensembles still exist today, and can be seen performing here. These pipes show us the intersection of functionality and musicality, being used both as musical instruments and as tools of a larger religious or cultural event.

Four pipes bundled; turn while blowing in it 2007.03.99 Friedlaender Collection

Part of Au Ripa pan pipe ensemble, for telling sagas through song. 2007.03.95 Friedlaender Collection

Undecorated, bamboo flute. New Britain. 2007.03.43 Friedlaender Collection

Four pipes bundled; turn while blowing in it 2007.03.99 Friedlaender Collection

2007.03.66 Friedlaender Collection

2007.03.15 Friedlaender Collection

2007.03.10 Friedlaender Collection

2007.03.66 Friedlaender Collection
These flutes are meant to represent the voices of ancestors, allowing them to be present at various religious ceremonies and events. The carvings are also representative of ancestor spirits, the most common depiction being that of a bird. These flutes again demonstrate the dual nature that instruments can and do hold in our cultural practices.
These percussion pipes are from the Solomon Islands, like the pan pipes displayed above. These would also be used as a part of a larger musical ensemble, to add percussion. Both the pan pipes and the percussion pipes are made out of a similar material, but are used in strikingly different ways. The Sepik Kundu drums would similarly be used for percussion. These drums would be used in coming-of-age ceremonies for young men, once again demonstrating how music (and the instruments used to create it) play an important cultural and sometimes even ritual role in many societies.

2007.03.53 Friedlaender Collection

Played by striking against rock, held in fingers and toes 2007.03.100 Friedlaender Collection

2007.03.53 Friedlaender Collection